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David for Queen: One Play, Two Views; Part I (The Good)

Posted by Wayves volunteer 10/16/2014

By Bill McKinnon

In my opinion, David for Queen is a super play: moving, well-acted and well-staged with clever use of projected images and text.

Everyone who is gay, knows gay people, attends or teaches high school, has teenagers in the family or wants to know more about changing attitudes towards sexuality among youth will get a lot from this production.

What’s it like when a boy of 15 finds himself coming out as gay in this age of instant social media communication? How does he cope with his own doubts and uncertainty, with caring male & female friends, loving but concerned parents, mixed-message school authorities and vicious homophobia including cruel physical beatings?

Box Office Information: David for Queen runs until October 18 at the Alderney Landing Theatre in Dartmouth, NS. You can learn more about the production or purchase tickets by visiting their website here.

Editor's Note: Bill McKinnon is a longtime contributor to Wayves.