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The Elderberries Are Throwing a Party and They Want You There!

"The Elderberries are throwing a party and inviting the community! On Sunday, December 14, 2014, from 3:00 to 7:00 pm at the Company House, 2202 Gottingen Street, we're holding our annual Holiday Potluck with special guests, the Rainbow Refugees Association of NS (RRANS) and Scott Jones." ... 


9 years ago

NSRAP Fundraiser Postponed to Future Date!

"NSRAP Regrets to announce the postponement of Fruits of the Vine wine-tasting fundraiser, originally scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 15, to a future date.  We thank those who supported the event and all pre-purchased tickets will be refunded in full.We are proceeding with plans for our annual Gala, which will take place on February 7th, 2015 at the Halifax Marriot Harbourfront Hotel."


9 years ago

COMING OUT: Now VS Then - The Youth & Elders Project

HALIFAX, NS—How different was coming out in the 60s, 70s or 80s compared to coming out in the last 10 years? On Saturday, Nov. 15 the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project’s Youth & Elders Project will present a panel discussion on coming out from the perspectives of LGBTQ youth today (those under 25) and commnity elders (those over 50).


9 years ago

Leighann Wichman and Scott Jones Named as 2014 Community Heroes

'"The spirit and tenacity behind Leighann’s years of quiet dedication to improving the lives of LGBTQ youth and Scott’s compassionate, transformative response to a personal crisis are at the very heart of what these awards are about,” said Kate Shewan, NSRAP board chair. “Leighann and Scott, one working behind the scenes for years and the other very much in the public eye, are connected by a shared humility and a passionate commitment to serving our community.” '


9 years ago

Music & Ceramics Combine: Queer Composers Celebrate Camp Fires

"The music chosen for this concert concentrates on two aspects of this exhibit. The first focuses on the idea of the Baroque, that elaborate and busy style in architecture, art, and music that delights the eye and the ear with its ornamentation and complexities ...The second aspect of our concert is the concept “camp,” the art of creating works that are audacious, sometimes ridiculous, works that take the norms of established aesthetics and develop them to the extreme."


9 years ago

David for Queen: One Play, Two Views; Part I (The Good)

"Everyone who is gay, knows gay people, attends or teaches high school, has teenagers in the family or wants to know more about changing attitudes towards sexuality among youth will get a lot from this production."



9 years ago

David for Queen: One Play, Two Views Part II (The Bad)

"There are two ways to assess the effectiveness of such an issue-driven play. One has to consider how well it presents its particular topic, and one has to assess how it stands up as an expression of the theatrical art. I would contend that if a play can’t stand on its merits as good theatre, its unlikely to succeed as an advocacy piece. For this reviewer, David for Queen fell short on both counts." - Hugo Dann


9 years ago

Play For Young People: David for Queen

When a high school senior decides to come out of the closet by satirically running for Queen of the Prom, he finds out who his friends are.


9 years ago

NSRAP Opens Nominations for 2014 Community Heroes Awards

“We’re excited about some changes we’ve made” said NSRAP Chair Kate Shewan. “In response to calls to make the awards presentation more accessible to the community from which they spring, we’re going back to our roots with a Turret Club-style community event. Also new this year, we’re accepting nominations until October 17, making it easier for returning students to participate in selecting the honourees."


9 years ago

Wanted: LGBT Elders For Study

MSVU researchers are looking for LGBT individuals 60 years and older (or a few years younger as well!) to participate in confidential focus groups in the HRM for research about end-of-life preparation. We invite people with varied experiences (e.g., you don't need to have engaged in specific end-of-life preparation activities, we are interested in hearing about what might make it challenging for people to do these kind of things as well).


9 years ago