We are very sorry to share the sad news that out and proud activist, Wayves photographer and editorial board member, Elderberries founding board member, queer community event photographer, mom, grandmom, great-grandmom and bonne vivante Anita Martinez passed away on Tuesday, February 4th.
Anita's Celebration of Life
... was held on February 22nd, at 2:00pm in the Activity Centre at Northwood, 2615 Northwood Terrace, the corner of Northwood & North, Halifax.
She wrote her own mini autobiography for the Halifax Rainbow Encyclopedia; the link to that is at the bottom of this article.
Now, there a matter of some urgency.
Anita herself arranged for most of the thousands of photo prints of the 2SLGBT community she'd taken over the last several decades to be archived.
However there are thousands - perhaps tens of thousands - more on her computer. Anita frequently relayed her concern about these photos to myself, family, historians and archivists who have been working with her for the last few years. Her daughter says the computer is not currently working.
The Elderberries are raising money to get the computer up and running enough to get those photos copied off, catalogued and archived according to her wishes.
We're hoping we can do this with approximately $1,200 to pay a tech's time and possibly buy a couple more hard drives.
Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.
- You may do any of the following:
- Etransfer to atlanticcanadaelderberries@gmail.com
- Any credit or debit card to this PayPal campaign
- Cheque to Elderberries, mailed to Elderberries / 3247 Union Street / Halifax, NS, B3K 5H2
- Cash to any of the Board Members (we’ll give you some kind of receipt)
The Elderberries board, the future community, historians, writers, and researchers, thank you.
Here is Anita's mini-autobiography, as well as several touching tributes.
Here's the CBC story about the archiving project print edition and video (mp4, 2:14).