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Cancer Care Focus on Q Community

If you’ve had cancer or have cared for someone who has, you're invited to a focus group on May 3rd to share your experiences, to help improve access to, and awareness of, psychosocial services for people with cancer.

Cancer Care Nova Scotia would like to more fully understand Q cancer patients’ and caregivers' awareness of and barriers to, the services that go along with the medical care: supports for your emotions, relationships, finances, work and spiritual concerns.

The session will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, May 3rd, in downtown Halifax; refreshments will be available. You’ll get a small honorarium for participating.

Cancer is a difficult and stressful experience for patients, their family (as defined by each patient), and friends. Cancer affects individuals physically, emotionally, psychologically, socially, spiritually, vocationally, and financially. Psychosocial services with Nova Scotia Health’s Cancer Care Program can provide patients with help in coping with cancer-related emotions, and symptoms such as fatigue and brain fog; relationship stresses; financial and other practical concerns. This may include seeing a social worker for practical assistance or counselling, seeing a psychologist for psychotherapy, watching a patient education video, or being provided with patient education information.

Patients who access these services often report less stress and a better quality of life, but we have heard that some people are unaware of the services available and if they are aware, may be unsure how to access them.

We look forward to understanding the barriers members of the community face in accessing psychosocial services and hearing your thoughts on ways we can improve access to and awareness of these services.

We want to improve awareness of and access to psychosocial services for Nova Scotia patients who have cancer. We are looking for your help. We recently surveyed patients and health care professionals for their thoughts.

The next step is to hold focus groups to build on the information gathered in the surveys. We are planning a focus group with members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community on May 3, 2023. If you have had an experience with cancer or have cared for someone with cancer, we hope you will consider registering for the focus group.

Please email Dan McKay, co-facilitator of the planned focus group, at to register.

We look forward to understanding the barriers members of the community face in accessing psychosocial services and hearing your thoughts on ways we can improve access to and awareness of these services.