As of today, applications for the Halifax Pride Parade are being accepted. There is no fee for 2SLGBTQ+ community groups and 2SLGBTQ+ non-profits; applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
The festival is also exploring sponsor partnerships at this time and groups are encouraged to reach out if they are interested in a greater level of involvement with the festival.
“We know how much the parade means to the community, and city overall. There’s nothing like the energy of downtown Halifax on Parade Day,” said Adam Reid, Board Chair. “We’re looking forward to finally gathering again with the many individuals, community organizations, and supporters who make the festival possible. We also encourage organizations to explore festival sponsorship and expand their participation.”
The Halifax parade date is Saturday, July 20, with a start time of noon. Interim Operations Manager Fiona Kerr has been working with Halifax Regional Municipality to ensure they maintain the best route possible, though construction may change it slightly from previous year
“We can’t wait to host the parade this summer after a two year absence,” says Kerr, Interim Operations Manager for the organization. “We know how disappointed the community was with the cancellation in 2023, and we want them to know we have full confidence the parade will go ahead, along with the festival itself.”
The Parade application form is here; The Halifax Pride Festival runs July 18-28. Halifax Pride's main site is here; all of the Pride Festivals in Atlantic Canada are listed here.