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Trans Rights Being Fast Tracked In NS

Transgender Nova Scotians' right to equality and fairness will be made clear with proposed amendments to the provincial Human Rights Act. The amendments, tabled on Nov. 20 - Trans Day Of Remembrance - by Justice Minister Ross Landry, will add “gender identity” and “gender expression” as protected grounds in the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. The bill is being fast-tracked by the provincial government, with it heading to Law Amendments Committee for just one day of public hearings two days after being introduced . 


11 years ago

Transgender Rights to be Protected in Human Rights Act


Transgender Nova Scotians' right to equality and fairness will be made clear with proposed amendments to the Human Rights Act.


11 years ago

Halifax Pride 2012 Annual General Mayhem

Pride Annual General Meeting 2012


11 years ago

The October-November Wayves is ready!

The news packed October-November Wayves is ready! Just click the cover at the right, here.


11 years ago

QUEER ACTS Theatre Festival Call For Submissions

Halifax Pride’s QUEER ACTS Theatre Festival is pleased to announce its call for submissions for the festival’s 2013 edition. Interested individuals and groups are encouraged to submit a proposal including the following details:


11 years ago

September Wayves is ready!


The news-packed September Wayves is ready for download - just click on the cover, to the right here.


12 years ago

River of Pride

River of Pride held the 13th annual Pride week celebration in Moncton last weekend. Despite the fact that most of the board of directors resigned shortly before the weeks events took place, it was a HUGE success.


12 years ago

NSRAP Makes Progress with Canadian Blood Services on Blood Ban

NSRAP has been working since 1995 across Nova Scotia as a voice for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Community (Rainbow Community). Part of our role is advocating for Nova Scotians’ access to equitable and ethical health care; which includes the promotion of non-discriminatory and evidence-based blood collection and delivery services.


12 years ago

The Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life

The Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life will be held on September 22 & 23 this year.


12 years ago

Raymond Taavel Case Update

August 10, 2012

On August 8th, the Andre Denny case was back in court, only to be adjourned until September 20th. Denny is accused of the brutal beating death of Raymond Taavel of Halifax last April. Denny is being assessed by an Ontario doctor to determined if he is mentally fit to stand trial. The doctor has not yet finished his report causing the delay.

More details available soon online in a report by Ralph Higgins, and a full timeline is available here.


12 years ago

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