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Halifax 2024-09-20 Counter

Halifax's queer community is planning a response to the September 20, 2024 trans- & homophobic 1 Million March 4 Children, "1MM4C."

This article is about the Halifax "counter." For information about responses elsewhere, see this article.

There are four messages to share:

  1. There will be a "counter" in Halifax at the location of the 1MM4C event and starting 1 hour before it.
  2. Plan to show up at Halifax's Grand Parade, in front of City Hall, at 1PM on Friday, September 20th. Click to zoom the image of the grand parade.
  3. There will be a variety of ways for you to participate. There'll be safe spaces, and brave spaces, and marshalls to ensure your safety, and several places to "decompress" or unwind afterwards.
  4. Satellite view of Halifax Grand Parade showing entrances and exitsPlans are still being finalized. Check back here before you leave the house on Friday morning for the final set of action and safety plans.

Wednesday, 18 September update

There's now a Facebook event with minimal information, here.

Tuesday, 17 September update

The planning teams met on Tuesday evening; Wayves was there. Here are some notes:

  • The time has changed; new time is listed above.
  • During the event, there will be very safe spaces for people, and there will be brave spaces, depending on what you're up for.
  • There will be marshalls and medics; the latter will have armbands.
  • Attire: organizers are suggesting black and nondescript, rather than rainbow, for this event.
  • There will be three totally safe spaces to retreat to: 1) Art Bar, at 1873 Granville Street, 2) Radstorm at 2177 Gottingen will be providing a hot meal and snack foods starting before noon, and 3) Venus Envy, 1727 Barrington Street.

Tell your friends, bring your friends! See you there!

Twitter account @smashtransphobiakjipuktuk says: "The anti-trans march is scheduled to start at 2pm, so we will show up at 1pm. We’re calling on our fellow queers and our accomplices to flood Grand Parade with defiant fabulousness and shut down the anti-trans hate before it begins."


Early September

"All out against transphobia" Insta poster In early September, Twitter/X account @smashtransphobiakjipuktuk posted:

no space for hate round 3
SEPTEMBER 20, HALIFAX, 7AM [editor: this time has been changed to 1PM] GRAND PARADE !!!

All out on September 20th in defense of trans youth and bodily autonomy for all! We’re doing a counterprotest and block party to take over the space and shut down anti-trans bigotry.

The same-anti trans groups that organized the so-called “1 Million March for Children” last year, on September 20th and October 21st, are once again planning a nationwide mobilization. They want to eliminate queer-inclusive education, ban life-saving healthcare, and seek to strip away trans kids’ autonomy under the guise of “parental rights” — we all know it’s owing to anti-trans prejudice and bigotry.

DO: wear a mask - come with a crew - get wild - bring noise makers - show solidarity with palestine - be prepared for confrontation - fight back.

Don't: be racist - talk to police - film/photograph our team - back down

we respect a diversity of tractics [sic] and will honour all expressions of queer rage

More details to follow soon. Watch this space and be prepared to mobilize.

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