Wayves is an independent publication, published by a non-profit collective. It exists to inform lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people in Atlantic Canada of the activities of their communities, and to promote those activities and support their aims and objectives. We accept articles from anyone, anywhere.
Anyone who contributes to Wayves is automatically considered to be a member of the collective, and is welcome to participate in any meetings or discussions.
Wayves reserves the right to refuse any material that might be reasonably considered heterosexist, racist, sexist or an attack on individuals or communities.
Opinions expressed in Wayves are not necessarily those of the editorial collective.
Responsibility for errors in advertisements is limited to the value of the space occupied by the error.
You can be notified of new articles by email, from our Facebook page, or by Twitter.
Information about advertising is here.
Submissions should be no longer than 1,000 words and should be e-mailed to: 2023@wayves.ca. Material will be edited for length.
Editorial, circulation and other inquiries should also be addressed to editor@wayves.ca.
Review copies of books, DVDs, CDs etc can be sent to Wayves / 3247 Union Street / Halifax, NS, Canada / B3K 5H2.
Advertising inquiries should go to ads@wayves.ca