Wayves Staff • 2011-06 • Halifax
During the month, regular volunteers and correspondents write articles, and we actively solicit material from anyone who's involved with gay/les/bi/trans (and friends) events, news, ssues, and activities in Atlantic Canada.
The magazine's "editorial" content comes in electronically, and is previewed by a volunteer and stored in a content database. A volunteer maintains the Groups and Services, Events Calendar, and Classifieds sections.
A commissioned rep sells ads to pay for printing and mailout.
During the month, the team discusses, via email, what are important stories.
After our Content Deadline (usually the Friday-before-last in a month) the team discusses which articles should go in this issue, and between then and layout day, the Managing Editor decides what will go on what page.

On Layout Day, a handful of volunteers come together to make the magazine. Some people do final editing and proof-reading and others pull the chosen articles from the database and place them on pages using InDesign.
It's fun and takes about a whole day to do for a team of 4-6 people. We order in pizza at lunch time.
Final proof-readers check the finished magazine via .pdf, and it is sent electronically to our printer. A day or so later, the proof is back, and a day or so after that, a paid distribution person delivers the paper around the Halifax-Dartmouth area and mails packages all over Atlantic Canada.
Then we start again! We take January off though, to make a double issue for January-February.