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Do you want to write for $$, for Wayves?

Publisher Dan MacKay • Halifax - 2020-11-17

Please forward to interested people or lists.

Throughout its history, Wayves Magazine has operated entirely on volunteer journalism; it was necessary because the cost of printing and distributing the magazine used every scrap of cash we brought in via adverising. This worked out pretty well, though; over 25 years we published… maybe 200,000 words of very good journalism and editorial a year, over five million words of great writing altogether, and connected tens of thousands of customers with advertisers.

There’s still a need to tell stories for and about Atlantic Canadian about queer folk, written by queer folk.

The very slow online-only Wayves reboot is going pretty well, and we are slowly gathering more advertisers.

This means two things;

  • Wayves needs content that people want to read, and
  • Wayves has cash to pay the writers.

There are quite a few stories that I think should get written, but we don’t have a bullpen of writers yet, and it’s time to do that.

So, if you’d like to write for Wayves, for pay, write to

The stories will range from human interest stories to feel-good community news, to hard journalism, asking hard questions and possibly not making friends in the process. We will be publishing editorial but probably not paying for it; we will probably not be publishing poetry and prose.

Many of the stories will be do-able over the phone / zoom etc; most will require photos or graphics; we’ll deal with those separately ad hoc.

How it’ll work:

  • From this call-out, I’ll make a sub-list of people who are interested in writing news stories;
  • When I hear of an event or situation that should have a Wayves story, I’ll contact people from that list.
  • Some of the stories won’t be urgent, some will be.
  • Pay at the moment is $50 / story which is about half the going rate; that’ll change as we simultaneously ramp up our content and advertising.

Also, if you hear of a Q news story that you’d like to write for Wayves, pitch it in a very few words.

If you’re available to write, send a note to! I’ll put you on the list.

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