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October 13 News Bytes

This is a regular column for Q Atlantic Canadian news items that we can't do full articles about. If you hear of any Q happenings that deserve a little or a lot of light shone on them, email us!




Q hockey organization Halifax Mussels responds to the NHL ban on pride tape, published in Wayves published in Wayves here.

From: Protest Organizers: homo/trans phobic group Hands off our kids is back at it again. There is going to be something happening on October 28, but exactly what it is, and exactly what the response will be, is not settled yet. We'll have an article about it in Wayves as soon as something gels up, but for the time being, mark your calendar.  Here's the master event planning list for Canada. 

Nova Scotia: Q Dalhousie researcher Philip Joy is conducting a research study focused on the experiences of 2S/LGBTQ+ Nova Scotians living with food insecurity. The purpose of the study is to understand their experiences, challenges, and needs. Here's the survey; if you have any questions, email


Halifax Pride had a General Meeting and elected a new Board on October 5th; an attendee sent some very detailed notes to Wayves.

Monday, October 16, there will be a booklaunch for Two-Spirit, Indigiqueer, and LGBTTQ* Interventions into Museums, Archives, and Curation at the Halifax Central Library, 3:30 - 5:00pm. There are a few more details here.

Swimming Lessons in the north end, offered via this Halifax Queer Network post.

There's a new Q book club. Organized via FB.

The Halifax Gay Mens Chorus will be performing at Province House on October 14th. More info here.

LGBTQ+ Dance October 21st, details on the big Events board.

Witches and warlocks: The Witches Ball is also on October 21st. Click the poster here for more info or visit the Eventbrite.


Rest of Nova Scotia

New Facebook group, Wild Queers NS. Organizer Heather Tyson-Fader says, "Our group is for queer/LGBTQ2+ individuals in Nova Scotia who are profound lovers of the wild outdoors: Hikers, campers, birders, natrualists, survivalists, anglers, hunters, wild crafters, foragers, or anybody permanently stuck in goblin mode and comes home with pockets full of pinecones."

On November 4, 2-4pm, Crows' Commons, a grassroots queer & trans land sharing initiative in rural Nova Scotia is looking for feedback from d/deaf, disabled, Ill and Mad folks who desire to live rurally, who are interested in farming, or who face barriers to accessing land. Join us for conversations with fellow Disabled folks at the Glitter Bean Café. The poster with details is here.

Lunenburg Pride's Annual General Meeting will be held on November 5th. Details will be posted to their facebook page.

Do you have some Q Atlantic news, big or small? Email Wayves with the particulars!

You can always see the last 9 days of Wayves articles via the digest page.