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March 12 News Bytes

This is a regular column for Q Atlantic Canadian news items that we can't do full articles about. If you hear of any Q happenings that deserve a little or a lot of light shone on them, email us!


Wayves News

Because of the current instability with social media which is bound to get worse, we're encouraging people to join our notification email list - add your email here.



On February 15, Greece became the first Orthodox Christian country to legalise same-sex marriage. The measure was passed by parliament with 176 lawmakers from across the political spectrum voting in favour, and 76 against. This will allow same-sex couples to adopt children as well.

The US national center for trans equality just released the early finding for there biggest ever survey of trans people, and the early report has some interesting (and conservative narrative breaking) numbers -- and also some very stark realities. Here's the report.



Call for Rural Queer Stories in Canada: Living as a 2SLGBTQIA+ person in a rural community is a unique lived experience. Oftentimes there is a narrative that queer and trans life only exists in metropolitan cities. However, we are aware the 2SLGBTQIA+ people and culture exists in every community and has existed in every human culture since human culture began. We are creating an anthology on rural 2SLGBTQIA+ lives and stories. We are looking for nonfiction prose and poetry. We want you to write about your lived experience as a rural 2SLGBTQIA+ person. Maybe you grew up on a farm, lived on a reserve, or spent some time living in a small town. Maybe your story is full of hardship, joy or humour. We want to hear from you and celebrate you in your full authenticity. Submit works of original stories of nonfiction prose and poetry and essays up to 3,000 words written by 2SLGBTQIA+ people who have lived experience in rural, remote, and reserve communities. Contributors may be Indigenous, refugees, permanent residents or citizens of what is colonially known as Canada. Submissions must be emailed to as a Word document attachment. Include your name, pseudonym, pronouns, address, phone number and email in your submission as well as an up-to-date bio (approximately 200 words in length). Deadline: May 1, 2024.

The Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) Investigaytors group used data from the Our Health 2022 survey conducted by the CBRC to explore how the COVID-19
pandemic has affected the mental health of our communities. Here's the report. (11 pages, pdf)

Funding for an HIV self-test program will run out in March. The test, called INSTI, uses a drop of blood to deliver results in about a minute. More than 215,000 kits have been distributed to nearly 400 organizations across the country. There are also websites and information pamphlets for people to get support and health-care information. Here's the CP story on it. The AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia says it will continue to have the kits available for pickup.


Atlantic Canada

Requiescat in pacem, Mirimachi New Brunswick musician and performance artist Jason Willis Betts who passed away March 5. Known by most people as Eldon Thiele, his performance name was ZWERG. His partner Timothy Edward O'Brien passed away suddenly at home on January 24 at the age of 52. Click the thumbnail for a full size image. Here's ZWERG's Youtube channel; the other socials are all available at There is no suggestion of coming darkness in his last recording, released on February 26


Unexpected Rainbows


bookshelf with lgbt books

"Coles in Halifax Shopping Centre is such an unassuming hot spot for Q lit."  Spotted by a Wayves reader who also says, "It’s also worth noting that while while they have a section on gender, Q books are throughout the store as well I found that one in History & politics, there’s others in Travel, etc."

Have you seen a Pride symbol in an unexpected place? Mail your sighting to Wayves for some future News Bytes!



Prince Edward Island

Pride PEI has issued its Call for Events and Call for Artists for 2024; the deadline is April 7th.  More info and application form.  Dates for all Pride festivals in Atlantic Canada are available on the first button, above.

The 2024 Fierté Canada Pride National Conference, the annual gathering of Canada’s most active 2SLGBTQIA+ community leaders and allies, was hosted by Pride PEI this year. Here's a CBC piece about it.


Newfoundland & Labrador

Were you a member of CHAN, GAIN, MUNGALA, or GALT? A student in the Memorial Department of History is conducting a research project called, "LGBTQ Communities and Organizations in Newfoundland, 1974-1992." Emma is looking to conduct oral history intereviews in person or via Zoom with members of early LGBTQ organizations and other people who lived in Newfoundland in that time frame. Email or call 647-521-8698.


Award for Y A Une Etoile

New Brunswick

The musical documentary Y'a Une Étoile, a documentary of Q & Trans Acadian culture set to the music of New Brunswick singer songwriter Angele Arsenault, won "Best French-Canadian film" at the Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma BRAVO festival. Julien Cadieux also won Best Director at the Mirror Mountain Film Festival. The film will also be shown on March 26th at the Canadian Film Festival in Dieppe, France; they will also be showing Daniel Le Tisserand, about an HIV-positive man who weaves his new identity in his Acadian village.



Every event of significance to the Halifax Q community is posted on the Halifax Rainbow Encyclopedia Events Board.  Repeating events above, calendar below.

Halifax Pride is hosting an information session for Community Event Planners & Performers on Monday, March 18th! The meeting is on Zoom and will provide information about the festival schedule, community event support, performer applications, and more. Here's the Zoom link.

Venus Envy's Gender Journeys series is back. Gender Journeys is a free 8-week facilitated program for folks 18+ who are questioning and/or looking to explore gender identity and expression. Find community! Get the facts! Explore together through group discussion!  Guided by experienced trans facilitators, group members will:  Explore their gender identity, experience, and expression; Meet and connect with others going through parallel but unique journeys; Gain information about physical and social transition, healthcare, and more; Build capacity for combatting transphobia and discrimination. Eight Sunday nights from 6:45 - 9:00pm,  April 7th - May 26th, 2024.  Sessions will take place in-person in Kjipuktuk (Halifax, NS). Masks will be required / provided. To express your interest in the program, fill out this google form . For more information, or if the google form presents a barrier, email Raven at . Spots are limited. Indicate your interest by March 17th, 2024. This space prioritizes Black and Indigenous people, people of colour, trans-feminine people, and people over the age of 40.



Rest of Nova Scotia

cartoon, pregnant woman and her partner

As of February 21, both members of female same-sex couples will be able to register as parents on their newborn’s birth certificate and will be able to apply to Vital Statistics to include the names of the intended parents on the birth registration, without a court order. Here's the province's press release.

STORK is the first online couple-based program designed to provide information about changes to sexuality during pregnancy and postpartum and to help couples cope with these changes. STORK’s overarching goal is to strengthen couples’ relationships across the transition to parenthood. You can be compensated up to $126 per couple to participate.  There's more info here or contact

South Shore Pride is looking for people with photos of past Pride celebrations to submit them to

Sugar Health has run out of funding and is shuttering its doors on March 31. It was run by Sexual Health Nova Scotia and funded by Health Canada, connected Q folk with healthcare providers and resources with a goal to increase healthcare access for marginalized groups.

Sydney: 2SLGBTQIA+ND is a queer and neurodivergent-led support group. Open to queer and neurodivergent community members and allies.  Second Thursday of every month at Autism Nova Scotia Resource Centre, 282 George Street, Sydney. Snacks and refreshments provided. Open Discussion.

Annapolis Valley Pride is running frequent events. Here's their calendar.

Curl Kentville invites members of the Q community and their allies to an evening of fellowship and fun, March 2, 7-9pm.  Click on the poster for details.

Also in Kentville, Valley Pride presents a Queer Free Skate & Pickup Hockey Game at the Kentville Arena. Free Skate at 1-2:30pm, game 2:30 - 4:00pm. Register here.





Do you have some Q Atlantic news, big or small? Email Wayves with the particulars!

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