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Halifax Q Housing

The North End Community Health Center (NECHC) will soon have housing available specifically for homeless Q folk.

One house designated for Two-Spirit, trans, and gender diverse tenants, and another for those who are 2SLGBTGDQQIA++. These will be shared living environments with multiple apartments, for those over 19 years of age and various acuity levels. The houses are both in downtown Halifax. 

The hope is that one of these houses will be ready earlier in September, and the other sometime late September.

Prospective tenants will need to be on the "By Name List" (BNL) which is a real-time list of all known people experiencing homelessness. If someone you know would be suitable for these houses and they need to get on the BNL, use the contact email below or they can speak with their social worker; BNLs can also be done at housing clinics around Halifax. This is not first come first served: being offered a spot will depend on many factors.

In terms of support at the houses, We are looking to hire Two-Spirit, trans, gender diverse Intensive case manager, case manager and peer support specialist who will support folks in these houses. We are also trying to build other supports around folks at the houses.

If you or someone you know is from these communities and is homeless and might be a fit to live at one of these houses, or might be interested in one of the jobs, or have questions about the program, contact Ty Silver at North End Community Health Centre at 

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