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Pink Triangle Day 45th Anniversary

Pink Triangle Day Poster

Happy Pink Triangle Day!

A decade ago, Wayves editor Hugo Dann wrote, "For us, as Canadians, Pink Triangle Day commemorates the first significant legal victory since the 1969 decriminalization of homosexuality: the acquittal of the officers of Pink Triangle Press on February 14, 1979."

At the closing session of the annual meeting of the Canadian Lesbian & Gay Rights Coalition the following July, the delegates unanimously passed a resolution creating the day of celebration. The text was written by Nova Scotia's Robin Metcalfe.

Our editorial team asked Robin, "How should Pink Triangle Day be observed, marked, celebrated?" Here's his saucy, not safe for work, response.

Click on the poster, designed by Halifax's Chris Aucoin, for a high-rez version, or check out the text in the Halifax Rainbow Encyclopedia.

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