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LGBTQ Identity, Religion & Spirituality: Influences on Health and Well-being

Do you identify as LGBTQ? Are you 20 or older?

Are you interested in talking to researchers about how you think religion & spirituality connect with well-being for LGBTQ individuals and communities?

Some of us who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer were harmed by faith traditions we grew up with. Some found solace and support there. Some of us did not grow up with religious or spiritual practices, yet came to them as adults. Some of us left or rejected religions for other spiritual paths, or for none at all. Some of us grew up with no particular religious influence, and still have no formal spiritual path, yet consider ourselves highly spiritual. Some of us are very active with organized religious or spiritual traditions. For some of us, religion and ethnicity are intertwined.

Most of us have had experienced connections or disconnections between sexual/gender identities and spiritual/religious identities. How do they connect (or not) for you?

If you identify as LGBTQ and are aged 20 or over, please consider taking part in a research study being conducted by LGBTQ researchers at Dalhousie University (Brenda Beagan & Brenda Hattie). It would involve one interview for 1 to 1½ hours, which will be audio recorded.

Possibly interested? Call Brenda Hattie at 457-6712 or email for more information.