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Dave Stewart: Sequential Magazine Awards

Dark Sanctuary Cover

Queer creators and comics were acknowledged during the 2023 Sequential Magazine Awards, announced April 12, 2024. Queer Prince Edward Island writer Dave (D.A.) Stewart was named Favourite Writer for his work on the four-issue comic book series Dark Sanctuary, co-created by Stewart and artist Sandy Carruthers. Carruthers also took home the Favourite Artist award for his work on the series.

Dark Sanctuary tells the story of 14-year-old lesbian runaway Cassie who takes refuge at the titular shelter, where she finds love and an ancient evil that feeds on the young.

Click "Gallery", upper right, to see more images from the book.

“I wanted to do a horror comic first and foremost,” says Stewart, “but I also wanted to populate it with members of my Queer community. I brought the idea to Sandy, and I told him I didn’t want to create the typical female lead you see in so many comics, dressed in skimpy action outfits, chest first. Sandy’s straight, but he got it, absolutely agreed, and so we set about creating the world of Dark Sanctuary.

Sponsored by Strange Adventures Comics & Curiosities in Halifax, Dartmouth and Fredericton, the Sequential Magazine Awards originated in 2017 and are Canada-wide, fan-voted awards that highlight the country’s indie comics and their creators. You can find “Dark Sanctuary” at local comic shops or you can email to order.


Dave Stewart
Dave Stewart


Sandy Carruthers

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