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Reform Judaism Update

Introducing The Light Seekers: New Monthly Jewish Spirituality Group

I am excited to announce a new monthly spirituality study and discussion group- for people thinking of joining the Jewish people, people who recently have and for people who are born Jewish but who are searching for new ways for it to be meaningful given their progressive critical thinking stance on life. I am calling it the Light Seekers, based upon a much earlier blog, reflecting the goal of focusing upon Light, Joy, Hope, Love, Peace, Positivity, that we may illumine the darkness of the world around us, and the ways in which its trauma might impact us. No less than a sponge immersed in water, it is hard to live in this traumatized/traumatizing world and not be impacted by it. It is therefore essential to develop spiritual practices that can infuse Light into our hearts, minds and spirits… that we may continue to grow and evolve in healthy ways,, and keep working on building the world of our dreams and prayers.

The focus of this group is to be trauma-informed, non-partisan, positive and spiritual. This will be focused on taking Kabbalistic/Hasidic teachings and looking at them from a progressive lens that is rooted either in spirituality, psychotherapeutic principles, decolonizing or queer theory, or a post-modern, deconstructionist paradigm. It will be focused upon Rebbe Nachman‘s teachings and an emphasis on Tikkun Olam: a commitment to healing the world by healing ourselves and becoming a vessel for greater healing and hope, Light and redemption.

The goal will be to study traditional Jewish texts (primarily Hasidic) in accessible ways, and to apply these ancient teachings into concrete and practical ways that can be life-giving and healing in our traumatized/traumatizing world and in ways that align with a post-modern/queer-affirming/decolonizing ethos. As a trauma therapist, interfaith chaplain as well as a Reform Rabbi committed to decolonizing myself and the world around me, I seek to bring this perspective to this monthly conversation group, and to gather with like-minded individuals committed to open and respectful dialogue, reflection and spiritual practices that emphasize healing and Light.

This past Passover was the two year anniversary of the founding of Reform Judaism in Atlantic Canada, where I have sought to create an alternative approach to Jewish Community (not very unlike the Jewish Renewal community I helped to start in Kentucky before I left, and the growing number of communities who are joining the Chavurah Collective). To read the article in the Canadian Jewish News about the founding of Reform Judaism in Atlantic Canada two years ago: click here.

If you are interested, please let me know and/or please consider joining our new monthly dialogue group… You can email me for the Zoom link! The idea is that the second Tuesday of every month (6-7 PM Atlantic/5-6PM Eastern/7:30 PM NFLD), I will host a monthly discussion group. We will discuss a Jewish spiritual concept and I will begin by sharing a traditional teaching and then open it up for us to each share or discuss… we will then end with a brief guided meditation. Our first session will be Tuesday, May 14th! Please email me for the Zoom link!!!

Together, I believe, we can illumine the world!!!

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