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NSRAP Trans Rights: Your input wanted

NSRAP is going to lobby the government to change the physicians manual. The physicians manual is the first barrier we have to get through in order to access publicly funded health care. We are deciding whether we want to lobby to change 4.8 or lobby to change 4.8 and 4.12.

As a member of the board I want to ask you, our community members, what direction you would like us to move in. Also, to clarify, removing 4.8 or 4.8 and 4.12 wouldn't mean that the government would actually cover these services, rather, it would mean that the governemnt COULD cover these services.


NSRAP seeks the removal of section 4.8 from the MSI Physician's Manual to allow for the possibility of coverage for sex reassignment surgery (SRS) and other surgical procedures related to transgender health.


NSRAP seeks the removal of sections 4.8 and 4.12 from the MSI Physician's Manual to allow for the possibility of coverage for sex reassignment surgery (SRS) and other procedures related to transgender health.

For your reference, here are the sections of the manual:


Fees for the following services are not insured by MSI. The physician must determine who has responsibility for payment, if any. When complications arise following an uninsured procedure see Section 3.5. [...]

  • 4.8 Gender reversal (Trans-sexual surgery) [...]
  • 4.12 Electrolysis

If you could please pick whether you want us to lobby for 4.8 or 4.8 and 4.12 I would so greatly appreciate it.

Please respond to the survey here:

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