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Goodbye Blaine Higgs, Hello Susan Holt

For years the people of New Brunswick have been wanting better treatment from its government, especially those of the Q community. Blaine Higgs has done a lot of heinous things towards said community but that is now in the past. In October, New Brunswick elected their first female premier, Susan Holt. The community rejoiced as this marked history, is a game changer for the lives of Q people in New Brunswick.

We asked the public for their opinions on how they thought this era of change would affect the community. From November 1st to the 14th, a questionnaire was open to the public to voice their opinions. These are the answers we received. 

Although the answers were sparse, it does put forward the issues Mz Holt will have to face in the upcoming months. We hope to see some change soon. 

Thoughts on saying goodbye to Blaine Higgs:

"I'm certainly glad to see the back of Higgs and his brand of Retrogressive Conservatism.  However, I think we should be cautious about taking this as evidence that New Brunswick is a progressive province.  Higgs carried almost all the rural anglophone ridings.  If he'd had a less chequered history with the francophone community, would he have carried the rural francophone ridings as well and won the election?  Queer community members living in urban areas, such as myself, need to remember not to discount rural areas."

"It should be just “bye” not “goodbye”, because I do not wish him any good for all the damage he has done to this province and it’s citizens, specially the queer community."

"Fantastic that Higgs is gone. So tired of the constant attack on our community."

What I'm looking forward to with Susan Holt:

"Resolving the issues re: policy 713 and tossing out the associated court cases.  Spending some of Higgs' much-touted surpluses to address the housing and healthcare needs of New Brunswickers.  Listening to Higgs was like listening to a parent whose children were starving and in rags brag about how they were paying off their mortgage early."

"I hope she can repair all the damage that Higgs caused."

"Support for our community. Full trans rights and access to care."


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