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Province of Nova Scotia 2SLGBTQIA+ Action Plan

N.S. Government logo Nova Scotia's provincial Office of Equity and Anti-Racism is creating an action plan to address the needs and concerns of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. It has started public engagement on development of the plan, part of the Equity and Anti-Racism Strategy released in July 2023.

"Hate and inequity have no place in our province. As leaders in addressing these issues, it is important that we start by asking how we can do a better job of serving all Nova Scotians. By listening and going directly to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, we can make government policies and programs more inclusive and improve people’s lives. -- Barbara Adams, Minister responsible for the Office of Equity and Anti-Racism

The engagement includes an online survey to collect ideas, demographic data and information about experiences with government programs and services. 

Community organizations such as the ones quoted below will conduct engagement sessions with the people they serve. These engagements will also include an online survey to collect ideas, demographic data and information about experiences with government programs and services, and the provincial office itself will lead three virtual sessions open to the broader rainbow community.

The 2SLGBTQIA+ community has experienced a concerning increase in acts of hate since 2019 and has identified other issues, including service gaps and barriers to accessing health, employment and justice services and opportunities, to be addressed.

Support from community organizations

Rainbow Refugee Association of Nova Scotia

"When 2SLGBTQIA+ refugees arrive in Canada, fleeing violence and persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics, they deserve to arrive in a province that respects, celebrates and protects them. This 2SLGBTQIA+ action plan, as part of the Equity and Anti-Racism Strategy, demonstrates a needed commitment to ensuring the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Nova Scotia feels heard, represented and supported." — Rhiannon Makohoniuk, Executive Director

Truro Pride Society

"Truro Pride Society is thrilled to have the opportunity to help make crucial services more accessible and safe for members of our local 2SLGBTQIA+ community. This project will be instrumental in fulfilling our organization's goal of improving the well-being of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals in Truro and Colchester County, by working to break down barriers that deter far too many individuals from receiving the services and supports they need." — Raelee Rath, Chair

Elderberries Society of Atlantic Canada

"We have a big project ahead of us. It's important to combat hate, always. At the moment, trans folk are the target south of our border, and anti-trans hate has infiltrated our country already. Having people come together to think about this threat, and plan to act against it is critical at this point; having support from our government is massively helpful." —  Elderberries Board, relayed by Secretary Dan MacKay


Quick Facts

  • The Office of Equity and Anti-Racism is the government lead in working with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to address their needs;
  • Nova Scotia will be the first province to create a plan for this community;
  • the engagement is expected to continue until August.

The Province has created a page for the project to which you can

  • subscribe to to be notified of updates, and
  • as of the morning of May 31st, will host a survey.  

Click here for the engagement website and survey on the 2SLGBTQIA+ Action Plan.  The survey will appear there as soon as it is available.

More about the Province's program: