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Pride Month Preview

For all the Halifax events I mention, visit the Halifax Rainbow Encyclopedia Events page.

We had over seventy events for the Q community in June - just a mind boggling number.  We can predict that as July approaches there will be many there too so - check back on that page. It gets events added every single day.

I have to mention this: we have an overwhelming number of drag performances going on - two a day is common, many days have three and one day earlier in the month we had four drag shows.  I don’t understand this phenomenon but if someone would like to explain it to me and Wayves readers, I’d love to hear from you.

The Halifax Pride Parade is on Sunday, July 23rd. The closing of the North American Indigenous Games is on Saturday, the day before so it’s going to be quite a weekend. There are actually two Pride events that Saturday - the official Pride Parade through downtown Halifax, and an old fashioned march through Ocean Breeze, in North End Dartmouth. And a hockey game. And several drag shows.

Film tonight, about a gay asylum seeker from Uganda, called Someone Like Me, Halifax Central Library, and again on the 28th.

Jim on a stool with giant pink plywood penisAnd speaking of film, local gay activist and filmmaker Jim MacSwain is being fêted this Friday.  This photo is from a film and performance art project in the 1970s and to me looks like the roof of the Roy Building with the Royal Bank Building on George St behind it.

Tomorrow a new musical co written by local musical celeb Garry Williams opens, called Rain on the Parade.

The Halifax Public Library has way way too many events to mention all of them. They are marked with the library’s symbol on the Halifax Rainbow Encyclopedia Events page.

Tomorrow evening, I’ll be one of the hosts for the Archives & History Café at the Central library, 6:00pm on.  Everyone’s welcome. We’ll be talking about the history and archives that have been done so far, we’ll have a selection of stuff from the archives for people to look at and old magazines to paw through, and we’ll have historian and writer Rebecca Rose there with books.

Speaking of history, the Dartmouth MacPhee Center his hosting an Q Elders Storytelling Salon later in July. Details will be available on the Evnts page a few days from now.

From the sports desk: there’s dodgeball, softball, hockey, and rock climbing regularly during the summer and a dance fitness experience on June 26th and July 20th and... 

wait for it... 

We have a queer and drag wrestling match at the Canadian Museum of Immigration on July 14th? What?

And aside from that, probably the funnest thing: once a month, Q dog owners gather on the commons to share their pets with those who don’t have them but want to play with them.

For Jewish people and those who are curious, there’s a Pride Shabbat on July 21st.

Theres an arts and crafts market this Sunday.

Outside of Halifax

Outside of Halifax, we have pride events in every big town from Annapolis Royal to Eastern Shore to Sydney to Wolfville. Google Atlantic Canada Prides. 

Highlights from that:

Clare on the French shore, is not having a Pride Parade - they are having a tintamarre de fierté!! June 27.  It will be followed by the Nova Scotia debut of Y A Une Etoile, about the intersection of Q and Acadian Culture.

Bridgewater’s celebrating their first Pride Parade, July 9th, and Mahone Bay is hosting a Q Elders event the next day. The Elderberries will be coordinating carpooling from Halifax to that.




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