Halifax's Queer Spirit Church celebrates its first anniversary next week. And, say the organizers, "yes, this means cake!"
"A closeness, a connection. This has been what this past year has been like for me, sharing and caring about each person that has come through our church doors or joined us on line for service," says minister Arla Johnson (she/her), "It has been about embracing Gods message of inclusive love for all and feeling part of a community where many have felt excluded and not accepted within many churches. It has been about trans families joining together, for some for the first times, in worship service. It has been for some the first time they have received communion. This past year has been an experience together in unity, despite our differences, despite our unique journeys of spirituality, we all are seeking God in some deep longing way."
"We do want to feel connected with each other and with the divine. Queer Spirit Church has been and is an opportunity to explore our intimate yearnings for God and community and to embrace a community of belonging. I so look forward to the year ahead as we continue to reach out and grow our Queer Spirit Church family by creating a safe place in which all may feel welcomed and feel the love of God."
"Come and worship as a queer community. All genders and sexual orientations are welcome to experience God's enduring love through song, story and sacrament," reads an early poster for Queer Spirit Church.
"If I have to pick one it would be 'Joy', joy in the presence of gathering with queer folks, with their friends and family and all of us together with God, our spirits joined in commonality with our creator who loves us, just as we are." says Arla.
Queer Spirit Church meets at First Baptist at 1300 Oxford St, Halifax this Wednesday, October 5th. Doors open at 6:00pm, service starts at 6:30. Dress: come as you are. You can participate in communion or not as you feel called to do.