About the Wayves reboot:
It’s been a busy week with more work on the website's content manager, "Drupal", new advertisers, new ideas, new stories… and new writers! Check the bylines of articles for our stars, the journalists writing the stories.
Speaking of journalists, in the new revision of Wayves, they get paid! They get paid by the advertising you see at the top and side of every page. So please * tell these organizations and people that you’re proud they’re supporting local Q journalism, and * if you spend your money at a business a) please encourage the management to advertise, “Hey, you should be advertising in Wayves Magazine!” and b) pass their name on to me.
There's a link to the advertising page at the bottom of every page.
I have created a page which just shows the last 10 days of articles, here.
We have a couple new Jump Ads which are the wide, flat ads you see in the middle of articles; more are coming. These are free to any Q nonprofit. Wayves has engaged a fantastic graphic designer, Jess Jerome, who will make one for $35 - $50, and you only need to do it once, ever.
And, if you'd like to be notified of new articles as they come out, or weekly, you can subscribe to email notifications using this form.