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OUTeast Film Festival

“OUTeast was overwhelmed by the support we received from our community in our first year and we were inspired to offer more opportunities for engagement, entertainment, and empowerment through our programming and events,” said Andria Wilson, Festival Producer.


11 years ago

NSRAP Annual General Meeting

NSRAP will be having its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, June 22 and all members are invited to attend. The AGM will take place at the Local Women's Council House which is wheelchair-accessible and has gender-inclusive washroom facilities: 989 Young Avenue (at Inglis), Halifax, NS, B3H 2V9


11 years ago

IDAHoT: Does Mainstream Society really care?

If people commit crimes of hate against members of the LGBT community, whether of physical violence or insulting, harassing remarks, then they should face the full penalties available under Canadian law, including fines and imprisonment. Every member of society must have instilled in them a healthy fear about engaging in acts of homophobia and transphobia.


11 years ago

NSRAP: Call to Action: Amend MSI Physician's Manual

"We are disappointed that ... the Minister was not able to see the clear evidence in support of this request. However, we are renewed with passion to push for progress in improving health care for trans* Nova Scotians."


11 years ago

Alcoholics Anonymous Gathering In August

On August 9, 10, and 11, LGBT alcoholics, addicts, and friends will gather for the 25th Anniversary Courage Round Up - August 9,10,11, 2013, hosted by the Halifax LGBT Alcoholics Anonymous group, Live And Let Live.

The weekend includes fellowship, speaker meetings and workshops an discussions of recovery topics in a relaxed and peaceful setting at the Universalist Unitarian Church 5500 Inglis Street, Halifax.


11 years ago

Canada Eases Blood Ban for Gay Men: Not Enough Says Egale!

Early this morning Canadian Blood Services (CBS) received approval from Health Canada to reduce the current men who have sex with men (MSM) deferral period from indefinite to five years from last MSM activity. While this move represents important progress in addressing one of Canada’s few remaining overtly discriminatory policies, it fails to fully correct the problem.


11 years ago

New Glasgow Mayor Addresses Pictou County Rainbow Walk

We want New Glasgow to be a community known for its inclusiveness and respect for all - a community that celebrates diversity, a community that nurtures an environment of dignity, integrity, and respect; and a community that does not tolerate discrimination of any kind. The Rainbow Walk makes us part of something grand, something global and something good. 


11 years ago

Harper’s Office of Religious Freedom and the Queer Community

Stephen Harper has developed a scheme, creating an office in the Department of Foreign Affairs to oversee that religious tolerance is observed world-wide. An ominous undertaking from a prime minister whose Conservative government continues to be called to task, especially on issues affecting the nation’s queer community, equal opportunities for women, and aboriginal peoples. 


11 years ago

May 17: NSRAP Shares Progress on Ending the Blood Ban

"Our assembly makes an important statement.  It helps us remember the value of struggles won, people that have lost dearly in the fight, and helps us focus on hurdles yet to overcome. One such hurdle is a vestige of a time that seems to some of us like a distant history.  To other more veteran members of our community all to recent and painful one. I want to take some time today to address the topic of the “blood ban” as it is often described."


11 years ago

Federal NDP Release Official Statement for May 17 (En Deux Langues Officiels)

We will continue to work towards the day when the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and transsexual people are recognized around the world—and the simple act of being who you are is no longer considered “brave.”

Nous avons hâte au jour où être soi-même ne sera plus un acte de courage, mais bien le cours naturel des choses.


11 years ago

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