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May 17: Trans* Youth Speaks Out!

"Cancer is a disease that is merciless and kills. It spreads without a known stop visible. Hate is cancer. It will pillage our communities and it will kill our brothers and sisters. My name is Jessica Durling. I am 17 years old and I have tasted prejudice."


11 years ago

May 17: Call to Action on Trans* Rights to Equality in Health Care

I call on the Nova Scotia Government to do the right thing and immediately address the transphobia and discrimintation built into their own policies and regulations, starting with eliminating the discriminatory treatment of trans* people in the health care system. ... I ask all of you to get behind this push for action.  Talk about the issues with your friends, sign the petition, write your MLA and let the Government know that it is time to make these changes.


11 years ago

Halifax Pride: More Details on Featured Artist Competition

Posted by Wayves volunteer Hugo Dann 10/05-2013

By Adam Reid (Halifax Pride) with Wayves Staff

Adam Reid, Halifax Pride's media Communications Coordinator and the Director of the Queer Acts Theatre Festival, Adam Reid, responded to the questions Wayves had asked about Pride's decision to hold a competetion for an artist to feature during Halifax Pride Week. The questions with Mr. Reid's answers appear below.

1. How did the idea come about, and what does Pride want to see come out of this?


11 years ago

Community to Rally Against Homophobia and Transphobia

IDaHoT is a wonderful opportunity for LBGTQ communities and allies to come together and celebrate our success to push for further change, and to find solutions for how we can always ensure our communities receive equitable access to primary and supplementary health care. IDaHoT is about never settling, making connections across our communities, and driving change for LBGTQ peoples.


11 years ago

Halifax Pride Featured Visual Artist Call for Submissions

Halifax, NS - Halifax Pride and the NSCAD Queer Collective are pleased to announce that they are partnering on a new initiative to highlight the work of LGBTQ emerging artists. Following a call for submissions, one artist will be selected as the 2013 Halifax Pride Featured Visual Artist. As the Featured Artist they will have their works exhibited during Halifax Pride’s QUEER ACTS Theatre Festival, will receive prominent exposure in the 2013 Halifax Pride Festival Guide, and a tickets to a variety of Halifax Pride events.


11 years ago

Halifax Pride Seeks Parade, Community Fair, and Pride Guide Event Submissions

Posted by Wayves volunteer Hugo Dann, 06/05/2013

Halifax, NS - Halifax Pride is now seeking a variety of community submissions relating to the upcoming 2013 Halifax Pride Festival, July 18 - 28. Parties interested in participating in the Halifax Pride Parade (July 27), having a booth at the Community Fair on the Garrison Grounds (July 27), or having their event(s) listed in the Halifax Pride Festival Guide are encouraged to follow the appropriate links below:


11 years ago

Sport and Social Change - A Chance to Play as a Team

"On the field I got to learn important things like how to bring a group of people together toward a common goal. I also got to see parts of Canada and the world that I would have never otherwise seen. I made my best friends on, or near, the soccer field. Everyone should be able to have these experiences. But too often, either directly or indirectly, athletes face barriers due to such unchangeable characteristics as their sexual orientation, gender, or socioeconomic status." 


11 years ago

The Youth Project Says, "Time to Strike Out Homophobia!"

Strike Out Homophobia is a bowl-a-thon to support our anti-homophobia/transphobia and anti-bullying work in Nova Scotia schools. The Youth Project receives a high volume of requests every year, and this year we have a significant increase in our work with teachers, principals and school administrators! This is awesome, but we can't meet demand without fundraising.


11 years ago

National Conference of University Queer Services in St. John's May 1 - 5, 2013

"CUQSC offers opportunities for participants to meet, share resources, create connections, learn from expert presenters and skill-building workshops, experience LGBTQ art and expression, and ultimately build our collective capacity to take action against oppression."


11 years ago

All the Way with Venus Envy

"These days, Marshall [Haywood] and the fantastic staff at VE continue the day to day goodness of bringing shame-free sex information to the good people of Halifax ... The store continues to be a strong supporter and center for the queer and trans* community, taking part in pride, the dyke and trans* march, collaborating with all sorts of other organizations to make Halifax the amazing place it is."


11 years ago

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