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Canada's Transgender Rights Bill Moves to the Senate

"Helen Kennedy, Egale's Executive Director, said, 'Today’s vote represents a significant step toward recognizing and affirming the equality rights of trans and gender variant people in Canada ... This is a huge step forward, and the onus now falls to the Senate to ensure that we as a country continue to move forward in our commitment to human rights. The Senate must take all measures necessary to ensure swift passage of this vital piece of legislation.' ”


11 years ago

Atlantic Canada’s MPs Vote (16 to 10) For Transgender Rights!

Wayves is pleased to report that MPS from all four Atlantic provinces voted across party lines in favour of Bill C-279, adding Gender Identity protections to Canada's Human Rights Act and Criminal Code. The Bill now goes to The Senate for ratification.


11 years ago

Halifax’s Khyber Building Celebrates a 125th Birthday and Its Queer Past!

"From 1978 to 1983, hundreds of people carried Turret social membership cards in their wallets, and the memory of that first community-controlled lesbian and gay space has acquired mythic qualities, becoming a powerful vehicle for local Queer identity, invested with community pride.”


11 years ago

Youth Project Launches Gay/Straight Alliance Roadshow


The Youth Project is embarking on an exciting tour of rural Nova Scotia! We’re heading to rural regions to host day-long workshops and skill-building sessions for students in /Straight Alliances


11 years ago

The Whatcott Case: Canada's Hate Speech Laws Revisited

"Canada's Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision upholding part of a Saskatchewan Human Rights ruling against Bill Whatcott, a conservative Christian and anti-gay activist. In 2001 and 2002, Whatcott distributed four different pamphlets, going door-to-door in Regina and Saskatoon. The pamphlets contained graphic images of diseased genitalia and suggested there was a homosexual conspiracy teaching "filth" in schools."


11 years ago

No Balance to be Found in Hate Speech Decision

"Censoring hate speech, however, isn’t something I’m conflicted about. I think the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Whatcott gets it wrong from both perspectives. It permits an unacceptable interference with free speech. And, it supports government actions which make things worse for queer Canadians, not better."


11 years ago

The Turret, Resurrected!

As part of the 125th anniversary celebration of 1588 Barrington Street, two events will focus on Halifax's first community-owned gay club, The Turret.


11 years ago

Halifax Research Project on Gay Male Couples Seeks Participants

If you are gay men who are over 18 years of age, live together and have been a couple for at least two years, you may be eligible to participate in a research study investigating the efficacy of the Hold Me Tight relationship enhancement group.


11 years ago

Halifax MP Megan Leslie's Speech in Support of Trans Rights Bill



11 years ago

PEI MP Sean Casey (Lib.) Speaks in Support of Trans Rights Bill

"The march to full equality is never easy. There will always be voices opposed to progress and to full equality. Those voices of intolerance are now on the fringe of society, where they belong. One need only reflect on a time when women were not allowed to vote and treated like second-class citizens, if even citizens at all, or we think of the great injustice inflicted on black people who struggled and, arguably, still struggle for the justice and equal treatment they deserve by virtue of their inherent dignity, or we think of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters and how they were treated, so marginalized and shunned. Many of those who oppose same-sex marriage are the same people who now oppose this bill."


11 years ago

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