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August 29th News Bytes

This is a regular column for Q Atlantic Canadian news items that we can't do full articles about. If you hear of any Q happenings that deserve a little or a lot of light shone on them, email us!

Atlantic Canada

  1. Canadian survey company Numeris survey stuck in "Male or Female?" binary.  Wayves story here. 
  2. Here's a list of Pride festivals in Atlantic Canada.



Prince Edward Island

PEI’s Acorn Press has just released “Are We Friends Now?”, an anthology by and about 2SLGBTQ+ youth from PEI. The book is the result of a collaboration between PEERS Alliance and the PEI Writers’ Guild, supported by the PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being.

Over the course of the past year, the Queer Youth Writing Club met to facilitate the writing that appears in the book, which not only includes poetry, short stories, and selections from longer works by young writers, but also features pieces by some of the adult facilitators.

Edited by award-winning Nova Scotia YA writer Tom Ryan, “Are We Friends Now?” Is available at The Bookmark in Charlottetown and online from Nimbus Publishing at


Newfoundland & Labrador

Solidari-tea connects 2SLGBTQIA+ youth (ages 15-30) with trailblazers (50+) in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Over 13 weeks the youth will meet with seniors over their choice of coffee or tea and treats for a low barrier oral history and art project. At the end of the session both the art and documented histories will be featured on the NL Queer Archive. To sign up, fill out this form; if you have questions, please email us or call 17093150075.


New Brunswick

Mahogany Manor - exteriorSaint John monthly pot luck for gay men: Carl and Jim have been hosting a monthly potluck for gay men at Mahogany Manor for 19 years. It's a great way to meet mature gay men in person. It's free and the hosts, food and setting are fabulous. Just bring food and a beverage. Attendance varies from 5 to 20, mostly locals, and out-of-towners are welcome. It's an opportunity to meet gay men in person. It's held at Mahogany Manor, 220 Germain Street, Saint John, NB Canada, on the third Saturday of every month, starting around 5:30 pm. No need to RSVP or call or email, text, join a Facebook group, or tweet. Just show up.



Halifax's only mostly gay bar, Indulge, which opened in October 2022, has announced via Insta @indulgehfx, that it's closing as of the end of August, and moving.  A source close to the organization has suggested that the second part of that may be wishful thinking.

The Halifax Mussels, a beginner to intermediate LGBTQ and Straight Allies hockey league in Halifax, Nova Scotia, has published its schedule of Learn To Play, Skills & Drills, Game Night (Thursday night) and Friendlier Game Night. More info about the Mussels is here. The schedule has been added to the Halifax Events Board.

zine making workshop posterZine Making Workshop at Radstorm / Anchor Archive: On September 12 at 7 pm the Anchor Archive is hosting an intro to zine-making workshop that will walk you through what is a zine, different types of zines, the history of zines, and everything you need to know to make a zine. We'll learn how to use zine-making equipment available at the Anchor Archive Zine Library and then make a collaborative zine together on a topic of the group's choice. Everyone will take home a copy and be ready to make a zine of their own. You can find more info and register here.


Rest of Nova Scotia

rainbow sprinkle profiterolesCBC story about Musquodoboit Harbour: "How one corner of Nova Scotia's Eastern Shore became an unlikely LGBTQ haven: Pride festival, more LGBTQ-owned businesses, all signs of growth around Musquodoboit Harbour."  Story here.

From the Martinique Desserterie in downtown Musquodoboit Harbour: "There haven't been any Gay Bars in Musquodoboit Harbour... until now! Happy Eastern Shore Pride, everyone!"  Click the pic to enlarge.

Do you have some Q Atlantic news, big or small? Email Wayves with the particulars!

You can always see the last 9 days of Wayves articles via the digest page.

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