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Conference: does Halifax need a Community Center?

In about a week, there'll be a gathering to discuss the need for a Halifax Q Community Center.

How many people show up at this event, how many voices are heard, is going to very much determine what happens.  No show: no Q community centre.

If you are part of an organization, or if you know of an organization that could benefit from a physical space to meet, to store things, to socialize, to teach, to learn, that organization needs to be represented.

If you, personally, think it would be a great idea, show up. If you can't go, send someone to represent you or your organization.

We need people and organizations to show up and identify their needs, to justify this project to the funding agencies.

"Pride place is a concept that provides a place for advocacy and the arts, where faith and queerness are not foreign to one another and a place that will help promote and celebrate the unique contributions of the LGBTQIA community. It holds at least the potential for healing and action as we get organized as a community to work toward meeting the stated needs of community," says organizer Shaun Fryday.

The 1-day conference will take place on Tuesday, October 24 at St Andrew's United, at Coburg & Robie in Halifax. The doors open at 8:30am, the round table runs from 9:00 to 3:00pm. refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Register here.  If you have any questions or can't attend but would like to make a written submission, contact Patricia Neves by call or text at +1 (902) 405-3163, or email ASAP.

There is much more information in Wayves' July article about the conference.