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Observations on LGBTQ Spirituality Study

"Perhaps one of the most surprising conclusions to emerge from this study is that, despite the age range among participants (20 to 68), there does not appear to be a difference in the number or the intensity of negative experiences. One might have thought that a drop in the attendance at churches and the opening of dialogue with the community at large, by some faith groups, might have made for a better experience for younger LGBTQ members, but that does not seem to be the case." - J. J. Lyon


10 years ago

Wayves Proudly Celebrates 35th Annual Pink Triangle Day!

For us, as Canadians, Pink Triangle Day commemorates the first significant legal victory for our community in the decade following the 1969 decriminalization of homosexuality.


10 years ago

Book Review: Yellow Vengeance

This was my first time reading anything by author Liz Bugg, an actor and teacher from Saskatchewan, now living in Toronto liked this book so much that I will be checking her listings in future and looking up her previous novels in this series." - Denise Holiday


10 years ago

BOOK LAUNCH, NEW LOCATION! OUT: Queer Looking, Queer Acting Revisited

The Khyber Centre for the Arts is excited to announce the launch of its book, OUT: Queer Looking, Queer Acting Revisited at the Parentheses Gallery & Art Projects at 2186 Gottingen Street in Halifax at 7 - 9 p.m. on Friday, February 14


10 years ago

LGBTQ Spirituality Researched in Halifax

"[We] heard over and over again was that it is not easy to be ‘out’ as spiritual (let alone religious) in LGBTQ communities. People feel excluded, marginalized and stigmatized if they speak their spiritual beliefs. They survived faith traditions unwilling to accept their queerness, and now face queer communities unwilling to accept their spiritual selves. There is a silencing, and a lot of aloneness."


10 years ago

Change in Established Churches? Eldon Hay Sees Hope.

"For a quarter century, I've talked to persons - parents, sons, daughters, friends - about the dislike, distrust and disapproval of "queers". Atheists and Anglicans, Baptists and Brethren, Catholics and Orthodox, Presbyterians and United - people of no religious stripe to those deeply committed - formed a largely unified cacophony of homophobia. Quakers and Unitarians were the sole, discordantly loving voices. Over the course of those years, there has been a vast sea change. Where it once was cool to disdain LGBT people, it is now decidedly uncool to criticize them


10 years ago

Halifax Pride News

Halifax Pride news from mid February 2014! Pride is now accepting nominations for Grand Marshall of the 2014 Halifax Pride Parade. Nominations from all Nova Scotians are welcome ...


10 years ago

Free Queer / Trans* Self Defence Workshops

The QT Self Defense League was formed in fall 2013 by a group of rad queer and/or trans* people in Halifax. We recognize the need for accessible, safe, and body positive self defense training for queer and trans people.


10 years ago

Bob Stead: Mayor, Activist, Partner, Friend

Robert Arthur (Bob) Stead passed away peacefully at his home in Wolfville on January 18, 2014.


10 years ago

Book Review: Dream in Colour a Winner

"For queers who have wrestled with internalized homophobia, Laurie's youthful blindphobia provides a startling parallel.  Her happy awakening to her true self as a lesbian is communicated with sensitivity and passion.  Being gay is as natural to her as blindness."


10 years ago

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